Fraud Alert

Hunt is aware that unauthorized individuals/organizations are using Hunt's name and logo to solicit potential job-seekers for employment by sending out false employment offers and other fraudulent recruitment materials in an attempt to defraud job applicants. Visit the HCI Careers page for more information.

Hunt is also aware of websites which imitate the Hunt website and make use of Hunt's name and logo, and other intellectual property, in an unauthorized manner. Please be advised that Hunt is not affiliated with Krust Oil and Gas, Ltd., NorthCo Oil & Gas or ZenGas Oil & Gas Company in any way. Hunt does not seek or solicit for investment capital or funds of any nature online or via social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or PayPal (or other similar sites), for any of its projects.

If you receive a solicitation from any of these entities for personal information, or if you have any concerns regarding the legitimacy or authenticity of any communications, please email your concerns to

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